Technologies like email hosting will retain their importance as we move towards a time when online presence is highly important. Email hosting has now become an integral part of your business’s digital existence.
If you want your business to have efficient email communication, you need to understand its different types.
Understanding Email Hosting
Business email hosting is a service that enables users to create a personalised email domain for their business. It is similar to website hosting, which enables you to create an online domain for yourself with the help of a server.
This signifies that your business will not have to rely on Gmail and Yahoo for a communication platform. The email hosting service enables users to receive and send emails and store these messages securely on a server.
Types of Email Hosting Solutions
There are two primary types of email hosting protocols that you can utilise for business email hosting: POP3 and IMAP.
● IMAP Email Hosting
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a type of email hosting service that allows users to access their email data on multiple devices without having to download them. Any changes made to the account, like opening or deleting an email, will be mirrored by all the devices. Below are the features of this business email hosting type.
● Features of IMAP Email Hosting
a. Server-Based Management
IMAP email hosting follows a server-based management, i.e., the emails are stored on a server. This enables synchronisation of actions across any device that has access to the email account.
b. Multiple-Device Access
Thanks to server-based storage and management, IMAP offers multi-device access. You can access the accounts using multiple computers, smartphones or tablets.
c. Flexible Organisation
When you make any changes to the email hosting account, they are reflected on every device that has access. This enables flexible organisation.
d. Dependent on Internet
You can access the email hosting account from any device with a stable internet connection. Remember, the internet is a necessity.
e. More Storage Needed
If you choose the best email hosting in Australia, you may get adequate storage to store the emails on your email hosting server because you need it. Make sure to choose your email hosting provider wisely.
● POP3 Email Hosting
Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a simple protocol when compared to IMAP email hosting. It is suitable for people who prefer downloading the data locally. However, it can feel like a more rigid format for hosting business email. Let us understand the features of POP3.
● Features of POP3 Email Hosting
a. Local Storage
Emails are downloaded and stored on a local device for mail management. This allows offline access to the email account. Since the storage is local, you require less server storage, improving the server performance.
b. Single Device Management
Due to the local storage system, you cannot access the email account on multiple devices. You can only access it through the main device.
c. Cost-Effective Solution
Since less server space is required, it directly translates to a more cost-effective email hosting solution.
When you decide to purchase the best email hosting in Australia, you must also determine the type of email hosting you want. The choice between POP3 and IMAP email hosting can be determined based on the features suitable for your email requirements. If you want multi-device access, go for IMAP, and if you prefer a simple setting, opt for POP3.