High technologies are shaping market trends. They not only will not disappear in the coming years but will significantly change the world. So, let us talk about formed tech tendency except for metaverse, because this is the most obvious thing.
1. Nanotechnology
Let us start with a global, but abstract for many niches – nanotechnology. Most of the areas and industries are based on them: from medicine and 3D printing to computer production and robotics. This field needs significant funding, so as far as now it is developing in key research centers – the United States, Britain, Germany, Australia, Canada, etc.
The technology involves experiments with ultra-small particles (1-100 nanometers), which can show useful properties. One of the principal areas of research and development in the coming years is nanomaterials: 2D fabrics, synthetic surfaces, ultra-thin fibers, microscopic parts, carbon tubes, and more. It is expected that market growth will rise from $ 57.7 billion to $ 131 billion by 2026.
2. New Stage of 3D printing
Today such printing is used in medicine (prostheses, artificial organs), the food industry, construction, and many other areas. It is estimated that over the next five years, the market could grow almost threefold – from $ 12.6 billion to $ 34.8 billion.
3. Internet of Things (IoT)
Now even kettles and microwave ovens have a small control module and internet connection. The sphere will grow, and the demand for specialists will be high (because there are few of them). By 2030, people are expected to have about 50 billion IoT-enabled devices at home and in their offices.
4. Human Factor in Robotics
In addition to the household projects provided by the IoT, the development of robotics plays a key role, for example, in medicine, public security systems, the army sphere, and, of course, manufacturing.
5. AI 2.0
According to experts, the artificial intelligence market will grow ten times – from $ 36 billion in 2020 to an estimated $ 360.3 billion in 2028. In 2020-2021, generative competitive neural networks (GANs) and natural language processing models became increasingly popular in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The most striking example is “text intelligence” GPT3 from Elon Musk’s OpenAI project. Such AI (Artificial Intelligence) development will accelerate the launching of hyper-automation.
6. Modular Applications and Services
When we have a deal with a large project, developers create large management systems and CRM (Customer Relationship Management), where most of the functions are not needed by all customers at once. Therefore, people do not want to overpay for unnecessary items. The creation of services or programs will most likely take place on the principle of modularity in the coming years. Each user will take only those modules that will be needed.
In this trend, we would highlight the sub-trend: Low-Code and No-Code programs and services. This area provides simple and understandable solutions where the user should have minimal knowledge of building projects to create their powerful product.
7. Cloud-Native platforms
The trend of cloud computing and the use of cloud storage has been formed for a long time. Recently we have started talking about the Cloud-Native approach. With this approach, the program is not adapted to work in the cloud. It can be designed using all the potential of clouds from scratch. If in 2021, only 40% of all new digital developments meet the Cloud-Native concept, then by 2025, each new project is expected to be Cloud-Native.
8. Cybersecurity and Data Fabric
About 2/3 of companies have been hacked at least once. Therefore, the trend of cybersecurity is not disappearing from year to year. These are huge arrays of information. That is why this trend is connected to data fabric. A data factory is a data management ecosystem with a holistic and branched architecture that is responsible for data obtaining and processing, reliable preservation of arrays, integration, and API (Application Programming Interface).
To sum up
Most technological trends are influenced by the development of basic sciences and areas (from nanotechnology to robotics and the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence), but there are also digital trends that can affect the world (Web3 and network infrastructure and security).