Identify your best customers with real-time business intelligence. She points to the Columbus, Ohio, school system and its success using BI tools to examine numerous data points — from attendance rates to student performance — to improve student learning and high school graduate rates. The visible part of information management solutions is often visual dashboards and analytics solutions or regulatory and operational business reporting.

Errors in data capture or broken processes across the business may only come to light when analyzed in the context of the bigger picture. Just as the name suggests, the role of such software and applications is to ensure intelligent business processes are implemented that not only run smoothly but also efficiently.

When looking at the end-to-end process for root cause analysis, the data that support it needs to be comprehensive, accurate, consistent and timely. Experience a single solution that enables business intelligence and collaborative enterprise planning, powered by predictive analytics and machine-learning technology.

Rather, BI offers a way for people to examine data to understand trends and derive insights by streamlining the effort needed to search for, merge and query the data necessary to make sound business decisions. You’ll likely have increasing difficulty maintaining a grip on your customers, prices, profitability, and employees as more-enterprising companies leverage technology, improve their processes, and capture market share.

Some BI software reports are interactive so that users can play with different variables or access information even faster. Business intelligence is the only way organization can be ahead of others in a free market competitive environment. Companies need assurance that they have a sound business intelligence infrastructure in place first, though.